Airline Snacks!!!

Jadi ceritanya pas gue lagi iseng2 browsing, nemu RSS yang menarik namanya itu Site itu ngebahas segala macam mengenai snack. So I add the feed to my mail account donk karena I’m such a big fan of snacks dari tradisional sampe yang global.

Ternyata site itu tuh saking gokilnya sampe dia punya review mengenai American Airlines Snack Pack Box A.. Nah, gue gak tau ini the same snack pack yang dibagiin ketika lo sedang menikmati in-flight movie yang itu-itu aja ato dijual bebas, but here it goes:

American Airlines Snack Pack Box A contains:

  • 23g package of Mini Pringles
  • A bag of Fruit Bowl Fruit Flakes Raspberry with a Yogurt coating
  • Three Carrs Table Water Biscuits
  • A 17.5g square of La Vache Qui Rit cheese and a plastic spreading knife
  • A small Toblerone bar
  • A packet of four Oreos

And yes.. Sepertinya setelah gue browsing-browsing sedikit lagi, ternyata emang snack box diatas itu, dibagikan in-flight. Kalo mo baca lengkapnya, go on visit to Dijamin puas deh baca-baca mengenai berbagai snack yang ada di muka bumi ini (or at least yang disediakan para kapitalis dunia ini) hehe..

p.s. i’m also going to put the link for the website, you can RSS from there if you like it
p.s.s. credits go to who inspired me to write this post

Dinginnn!!! Brrr…

Kenapa yah manusia itu suka lupaan sama sesuatu yang sebenernya udah berkali-kali kita coba ingatkan diri kita sendiri..? Kasusnya jadi kayak begini nih, udah tau kantor itu AC-nya sekonyong-konyong dinginnya dan udah berkali-kali juga gue pengen bawa jaket, tapi kenapa gue gak pernah ingat untuk bawa jaket!?

Kira-kira kronologi-nya tuh gini:
Hari 1: crap! dingin gila nih ruangan! besok bawa jaket ah!
Hari 2: crap! dingin ye nih ruangan! mesti bawa jaket nih..
Hari 3: crap! lupa bawa jaket! kalo gitu ntar begitu sampe rumah langsung siapin buat besok!
Hari 4: crap! kan tadi udah gue siapin di kursi ruang tamu! kelupaan lagi..
Hari 5: antepin aja lah.. *sambil pasrah & bersungut-sungut kedinginan*

See. Hear. Feel.

After my last post I decided to browse around Friendster just because I had some free time to burn. While browsing I came across my ex’s page. I didn’t wanna look around because it took me so much time to get closure over her and I just don’t wanna go through that stage again in my life right now..

But then curiosity kicked in. She seemed so beautiful on the photo she chose for the page and I guess I just missed her so much. So much that I clicked on her link and started browsing around. Apparently the old saying was right, “Curiosity killed the cat”.. In this case, I WAS that cat..

On her page was her pre-wedding photos with her soon-to-be.. I didn’t dare to look as I was too affraid, I guess.. Of what? I still don’t know. I’ve been asking that myself these past couple of hours.

The photos killed me instantly. It was as if I was paralyzed. A life paradox I’ve stopped realizing a while back. A paradox I didn’t want to be a part of anymore. A paradox I had to excruciatingly run away from and try to forget.

It hurts. It really does.. I loved her. I loved her still I guess..

Her voice..can’t I just be given a moment to not hear them?! Not see her figure penetrating through the cold darkness everytime I try to close these eyes wide shut! Realizing that these hands may not feel her skin once more..

Have you ever cried so hard that you didn’t shed a single tear?

It hurts. It really does..

Some of you who read this may think that I exxagerated all this.

I don’t.